Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life on the river

We're in the heat and heart of a Florida summer. That means it's hot and humid, when it isn't roasting and sweltering.

The great thing about living next to a beautiful Florida river like the St. Johns is spending the evening on it. That's just what I did last night, with a few friends, like Mr. T here, who enjoyed a few brewskis and gator bites, as we sat on the deck at a little restaurant on the river, catching the river breeze and some good music.

In the water next to the deck, a baby 'gator bided his time, plotting revenge:

"Will you please share a little fish, or shrimp, or ... some ladyfingerrssss?"

Our table included a view of the boats coming in:

Meanwhile, consummate musician-songwriter Rog Lee sang songs of Florida:

A boy fished off the restaurant's dock:

Dusk watercolored the scene:

The colors deepened, as night began to fall:

Ah, the beautiful St. Johns. It's worth protecting.

1 comment:

sharecropper said...

I agree. St. Johns is worth protecting. Had dinner one night in a place like you pictured. Wonderful.