Thursday, March 01, 2007

Reflecting on the PB's statements

I managed to hear a good chunk of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's address yesterday. I've been mulling it over, and the staff briefing she did a few days earlier.

Bishop Katharine is, I think, trying to take the long view and see the big picture. She's cognizant she's bishop of a diverse group, and is striving to minister to the church as a whole.

Though she obviously values the Communion and doesn't want to "strain the bonds of affection," she's not going to let the either primates or the schismastic bishops in this church goad her into anything. The P.B. has made it plain the response is not hers to make, but the Episcopal Church's -- including the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops. Therefore, she's not giving them any answer right now. I believe she'll rebuff any demands they make of her now. (And they're trying.)

The presiding bishop is prepared to handle whatever scenario she's handed. If the church tells her the price being asked of it is too high, she'll proceed with that, without any hesitation. If the church tells her it wants to remain in the Communion and work things out best as possible, she'll unhesitatingly comply with that. If the Global South gets its way and cuts the Episcopal Church out of the Communion, she's ready to deal with that.

I hope I'm right. The Network bunch are already pushing hard, talking as if the communiqué is law, not a communiqué, and as if we are under the dominion of Akinola and Co. I hope she'll stand up to them. I pray she will, and be the defender to those who are vulnerable.

Dear Lord, grant our Bishop Katharine the strength, the will, the wisdom and the clarity of mind to do your bidding. Help her maintain the calm and determination necessary to hear your voice and obey. Let her hold high the shield, to protect your church and lead us through this difficult time. Place a hedge of protection around her, and keep her safe from all the assaults of evil.

Teach us all your will, dear Lord, and help us remember that we do not see things as you do, nor do we know what you know. Teach us to be gentle as doves and wise as serpents. Help us to love through it all, as you would have us do. Give us the grit to accomplish what you would have us do, acting as your servants. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Pat
er Saintly Pat,
Thank you for the perspective, I have to say I hear that in her talks, but I hear with male ears. I hope my glbt family will be calmed by hearing your interpretation.
I join my prayers with yours.

June Butler said...

Pat, of the beautiful prayers, you keep your sterling reputation with this one.

I'm not quite so sanguine as you, but the prayer works either way.

Lisa Fox said...

Thanks for that perspective, Pat. I hadn't considered it that way. I hope you're right.

Now ... as to your "beautiful prayer" [and it is!] ... I think I can safely say this is the first time I've heard a prayer for "grit" come from an Episcopalian. {g}

episcopalifem said...

Pat - I have to listen to Katharine yet, but, I have to say, that my hope is the same as yours - and that she isn't just playing cheshire cat.

And along with the others, love that prayer. It's a good one.