Saturday, January 06, 2007

Winter no relief for allergy sufferers

TRENTON, N.J. - AP The unseasonably warm weather along the East Coast has flooded some offices with patients suffering from an unusual ailment this time of year: allergies.

Doctors say this winter's weather has sparked an onslaught of mold spores that cause allergies and fluctuating temperatures that irritate already-suffering nasal passages. Many patients may confuse an allergic reaction with a common cold.

Yed, I doe.

While people in the Northwest are being buried under snowstorms, we on the eastern coast are having unseasonably warm weather. Mold and mildew proliferate in Florida. There's no snow in the Northeast, forcing ski slopes to close down. Trees are budding -- and will suffer for it, if the weather snaps back with a freeze.

I just heard a meteorologist predicting a record-breaking warm year for 2007, due at least in part to global warming.

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